Posts in Becca
It was a blessed Spring Equinox!

Spring has been a perfect time to mark this significant end and new beginning.  As the season’s transition, we are asked to let go of introspection during the darker days and move into spring energy, which exhibits resilience, strength, and perseverance to move forward. 

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As we move into winter, we dive deep into cool ocean of Yin energy. We are entering the “Water Element”, the first element of the Five Rhythms cycle. Its qualities emulate our nature at this time of year. In the shortened darker days of winter, nature is telling us it’s time to rest more, slow down, conserve and nurture our own inner resources.

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On a deep emotional level, the element of Fire can be understood as passion, love, and joy. Its vibrant energy allows us to become fully aware of ourselves and expand out into the world. When in balance, it brings spark, laughter, and great pleasure.

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The Sizzle of Fire!

The summertime’s seasonal qualities perfectly describe the “Fire” Element’s distinctive characteristics. Summer is an active time full of movement, warmth, growth and relationships. Society is typically outside, gathering, and enjoying each other’s company. Humans and plants flourish with the warmth of the sun. Nature itself is moving, the plants are now thriving, animals are getting ready to produce their young and things are busy. Find out what make a “Fire” type personality and why summer time is all about this type of energy.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 9: Remote Viewing

When Remote viewers view, they're asked to work blind to what they’ve been asked to explore. When learning to connect to this quantum field of infinite knowledge, thoughts pour in, and the protocol of CRV teaches you how to organize these impressions on a piece of paper. You are attempting to describe very subtle information that is much weaker than your conscious perception.

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Spring into loving your Liver

The Liver is most affected by emotions and stress. It is commonly associated with anger when it’s out of balance, and expansion when in balance. When our liver energy is not flowing smoothly throughout our body it can lead to feelings of stress, frustration, and anger, as well as physical symptoms like a tight neck and shoulders, PMS, menstrual problems, and even digestive problems. The liver in balance brings about positive mental emotional attributes of compassion, patience, acceptance, benevolence and honesty. Read Becca’s newest blog how to help your liver make a smooth transition into Spring.

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Energy Self-Care Part 1: The Aura

Energy animates our lifeforce and is propelled through our bodies in intricate patterns, rhythms and channels. If we are alive, as electrical beings, we have a biofield. Our biofield is like our energetic skin and is our first line of sensing and defense to outside influences. This protective bubble is generated in part by our hearts and brains, the earth’s polarities and the grander universal energy field matrix we all belong to. Our personal energies are constantly intermingling with the energy of others and it’s not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people.

Our biofields, called auras by Eastern traditions, are also capable of holding on to our unwanted thoughts, unprocessed emotions, negative self-images, and negative self-talk. Even drugs and food can muddy our biofields.

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Grounding Connects You to Your Higher Self

Grounding offers an instant way to discharge unwanted energies

Grounding supports us energetically

Grounding restores and rejuvenates our energy field

Grounding promotes an instant sense of calm

Grounding improves mental, emotional and empathic clarity

Grounding helps to give our life’s purpose somewhere to land

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 8: Clairtangency

Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairtangency, also known as psychometry, is the ability to receive information by touch. People with this intuitive ability can get a sudden insight about the history of an object, person, animal or place when they physically touch it.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 7: Clairolfactance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Psychic smelling is an extra-sensory gift that is the powerful ability to sense beyond our normal physical modes of sensing. It involves smelling a fragrance or odour of a substance, person, place, or animal not in one's surroundings. These odours are perceived without the use of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 6: Clairgustance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairgustance or clear tasting, is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there. It means that you taste things energetically. The experience can come out of the blue and suddenly you will be tasting a substance, without having placed anything in your mouth. The effect is similar to our normal sense of taste, but the items you are tasting are not physically present.

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Here are some methods to help balance your Root Chakra
Exercise, dance and movement
Meditation (specifically those that connect you with your body and the Earth)
Grounding practices: walking barefoot on the Earth, rubbing & massaging your feet. Give yourself a pedicure - wear RED nail polish or wear RED socks!
Practice gratitude
Use the colour RED: Wear it, eat RED foods such as raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, beets, red peppers, radishes and RED apples 🍎

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