Experts in Osteopathy, Energy Medicine, & Nutrition. Improve Your Health! Call Now For A Free Consultation.

Becca Nielsen

(she/her) BA, EEM-AP, RHN, Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

Becca was born with a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and has spent a lifetime exploring how these innate energies affect our daily lives. She has extensive training in Healing Touch, Reconnective Healing, Remote Viewing, Holistic Nutrition, and Donna Eden’s work, the Eden Method. As an Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and an Eden Method authorized teacher, she incorporates her extensive years of energy knowledge into her client practice, ongoing classes and the Eden Method Level 1 Fundamentals program.

My specialties include…

Energy Self-Care basics

Daily Energy essentials education
Calming stress & anxiety

Pain Management Techniques

Hormone Balancing Approaches
Emotional Balancing Methods
Immune Health Education

Nutrition & Supplement Advice

Food and Substance Testing

Complementary Heart care

Complementary Cancer Care

Insomnia & Sleep

Brain Health

Light therapy

Clearing & Manifesting

Regression and Healing



Basic Grid

celtic weave

five rhythms
triple warmer

Radiant circuits


BA in Applied Design in Interior Design, NCIDQ (RID),

*Kwantlen Polytech University

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), 

*Canadian School of Natural Nutrition

Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner - EEM-AP

*Eden Method Practitioner Program

Eden Method Authorized Teacher

* Eden Method Fundamental Level 1 Teacher


Healing Touch Program

* Colorado Center for Healing Touch Inc., Level 1

Reconnective Healing®, Levels 1-2

* Reconnective Academy International

International Master Remote Viewer

* Remote Viewing Technologies International Levels 1-5

Additional Training

Eating Clean Cooking Series, Rooted Nutrition

My Health Philosophy

I like to promote optimal wellness by flushing out and correcting energetic and nutritional imbalances that are at the root of chronic conditions.  I offer a holistic energetic approach that will inspire your soul back to its vitality blueprint, so you can begin to experience the physical and emotional improvements you have been looking for.  There is always something you can do, and my job is to find solutions for you.