Experts in Osteopathy, Energy Medicine, & Nutrition. Improve Your Health! Call Now For A Free Consultation.

Britte Nielsen

(she/her) DOMP, CPT, RHN, Osteopathic Practitioner

Britte specializes in chronic injuries and pathologies. If you need someone who will look at the whole picture when assessing and treating your chronic problem, Britte’s comprehensive testing and rehabilitation training will help solve your problem from the root physical cause.


At the beginning of her career, Britte was an athletic therapy intern in Southern California working with baseball, water polo, and football teams before specializing with dancers. She completed research in biomechanics, looking at jumping mechanics and injury prevention in dancers with the use of the Pilates modality. She has worked directly with inspiring people in the area of movement and rehab including Karen Clippinger and Marie Jose-Blom.


When Britte moved to Vancouver in 2015, Britte wanted a more comprehensive understanding of rehabilitation and injury prevention. This is when she completed her training at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) and the Canadian School of Osteopathy (CSO) and became both a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Osteopathic Practitioner in Vancouver, BC. At this time, she worked closely with Howard L. Jones, who taught her a deep understanding of how the body functions on a physical, nutritional, and energetic level. She started Core Potentials Academy with her mother and Energy Medicine Practitioner, Becca Nielsen, with the goal to provide holistic healthcare and education to Vancouver. 


Britte has helped many people rehab from chronic problems including back and hip pain, migraines, TMJ dysfunction, neck tension, stress and fatigue, arthritis, PCOS, MS, fibromyalgia, SIBO, tinnitus, headaches, tinnitus, and more. She has also done extended training in pregnancy and pediatrics. Her feedback from clients is that she is comprehensive, knowledgeable, and has healing hands. 


In her spare time Britte enjoys running, walking her dog Banner, playing with her baby JJ, walking in nature, enjoying art, and cooking food. Britte loves to read anatomy textbooks for fun, takes postgraduate courses regularly, and teaches regularly. She is a member of Osteopathy BC, the International Osteopathic Association (IOA), and the CSNN Alumni Association. Most importantly, Britte loves her work. 

My specialties include…

Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain

Stiffness/Lack of Mobility


TMJ Dysfunction


Post-Concussion Syndrome

Pre- and Post-partum

Children and Infants

Pelvic Pain

Scar Tissue


Digestive upset

Biomechanics and Alignment

Athletic Injuries

Digestive Disorders

Hormone Disorders




California State University, Long Beach - B.A

Long Beach Dance Conditioning - C.P.T.

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition - R.H.N.

Canadian School of Osteopathy - D.O.M.P.

Additional Training: 

Fascia Works, Marie Jose Blom, CPMT

Comprehensive Smart Spine, Marie Jose Blom, CPMT

Rooted Nutrition, Andrea Potter, RHN

Osteopathic Clinical Approaches for Persistent Concussion Symptoms, Laura Leslie, CAT, DO

Vagus Nerve Part 1 and 2, Phillipe Druelle, DO

Key to Cervical Spine and Occiput/Atlas/Axis, Phillip Druelle, DO

Energetic Impulse Part 1 and 2, Phillipe Druelle, DO

Endocranial Spasms 1, 2 + 3, Phillipe Druelle, DO and Genevieve Forget, DO

Sensing and Releasing Emotional Shock Part 1 and Part 2 - Arlene Dijamco, MD and James Gaydos, DO

Assessment and treatment of mild traumatic brain injuries and neuromeningeal mobilizations of the upper quadrant, Anne Hartley, CAT(C), DOMP

Cervicogenic Syndrome: Cervical Pain, Headache, Dizziness, and Tinnitus - Advanced Volumetric Techniques - A New Osteopathic Approach - Joseph Gill-Lussier, DO

Embryology Part 1 - Jon Hopner, DO


Jump Landing Mechanics in Turned Out and Parallel Positions in Collegiate Dancers

Management of the Physiological Effects of Stress with Osteopathic Manual Therapy for Chronic Back Pain during COVID-19 Pandemic

My Health Philosophy

My health philosophy aligns with the Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA). The human body is a dynamic unit of function, whose state of health is influenced by the body, mind, and spirit. Structure and function are interrelated at all levels. By improving posture and motion, respiration and circulation, metabolic processes (including digestion, immunity, and endocrine function), neurological balance, and psychosocial health, the body will use its self-regulatory mechanisms that are naturally self-healing.