Raising Our Vibration for 2025 – Cultivating Self Awareness
“Everything in life is vibration” ~ Albert Einstein
Your natural vibration is your divine signature, your soul essence, and it is special only to you. Your vibrations directly reflect your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, choices, and how well you care for yourself, the planet, and others. The higher you vibrate the better you feel.
All emotions are on a vibrational scale with depression near the bottom, then it moves up and into anger, then acceptance and on upwards until you get to hopefulness, which is the start of beginning to feel slightly good. It continues all the way up to love and bliss. Your emotions tell you where you are on the vibrational scale.
When you feel good and align with love, your energy sends out a signal to the Universe. Your energy vibrates the clear message that you’re aligned with joy, and you welcome more of it.
We’ve been programmed to believe in the fears of the world. Our fearful egos then don’t want to release control. Judgement has been our greatest defense mechanism. Negative thoughts and emotions, such as fear, anger, and resentment, tend to lower our vibrational energy, while positive emotions like love, joy, and gratitude elevate them.
Finding effective ways to navigate through negative emotions is essential. When we operate at a higher vibration, we’re more likely to experience feelings of peace, joy, and contentment. You can navigate challenges with greater ease and resilience, and more likely to attract positive experiences and opportunities into your life.
High vibration habits are all about cultivating a sense of well-being and positivity in our daily lives. They help us to release negative energy and emotions and focus on the thing that bring us joy and fulfillment.
Cultivating Self-Awareness:
I will be the first to admit that I have “control freak” tendencies. This is my greatest challenge to resistance in my life. My adverse childhood experiences of having a parent who was mentally not well and resorted to alcoholic destructive behaviours entrenched my need to control my environment to avoid the types of chaos I was subjected to as a child.
My first profession of being an Interior Designer fed into this nitpicking mindset. Designers are trained to convince people to do things our way. The “unflawed” perfect way. Beauty and style are one thing but when a messy house gives you anxiety, there is more likely a distressing subconscious pattern of thinking that is getting in your way.
My 2nd profession as an Advanced Energy Medicine practitioner taught me that my temperament style is what’s known as an “Earth Rhythm”. This personality type can be compassionate and caregiving but when out of balance, can be prone to being what’s known as a habitual “fixer”. This controlling pattern of behaviour eventually leads you down a path to lack of joy, chronic stress, and entangles you in a relentless negative mindset because trying to control things you can’t control is futile.
Awareness of these old conditioned patterns of thinking has taught me to learn how to forgive, forget, let go and move on as much as possible. When we try to control and hold onto the offenses of others, no matter how real they are, we are the ones that bear the negativity of whatever occurred. It is always much more about us than it is about them. The vibration of frustration, intolerance, pain and anger can have lasting negative effects on our physical and mental well-being. It can halt time and keep us from moving forward in happiness and peace. I tell my students that negative thinking patterns can lead to “Issues in the tissues!” Here is a great way we can physically release stuck energies to raise our vibration!
Follow my video below to help “Let go”
With love,
Becca 💗