Release Resistance: Clearing the Static and Raising Your Vibe

Ever feel like life is a bad karaoke session? You're trying to sing your heart out, but all you hear is static? That static is resistance. It lowers your vibration, slows your energy, and makes you miss all the good notes. But don’t worry—you’re about to tune in to the best station of your life (spoiler: it’s YOUFM).

What Is Resistance?

Resistance is like that annoying pop-up ad that keeps showing up when you’re online shopping for happiness. It’s the stuff that doesn’t align with what you want in life. It shows up as doubt, impatience, frustration, anger, or the occasional full-blown tantrum in your car (no judgment). If you’re not feeling good, resistance is binge-watching your bad mood.

But here’s the twist: resistance isn’t permanent. It’s not your life’s theme song; it’s just a bad remix. You CAN hit “skip.”

Stop Trying So Hard: Let Go Already!

Here’s a wild idea: stop trying to control everything. That story you’ve been narrating in your head about how life should be? Toss it. Trust the universe to do its thing.

As Gabby Bernstein says, “When you release resistance, you become a magnet for greatness.” Translation: let go of the need to micromanage the universe. It’s got this.

And while you’re at it, stop overthinking your way out of negative emotions. Your brain is not Google Maps—it’s not always the best guide. Instead, tune into your body. Notice where you are tense (shoulders? jaw? that weird clenchy spot in your chest?). That’s resistance saying, “Hey, wanna let me go?”

Clearing Emotional Spam: Inbox Zero, Vibe Edition

Think of your resistance like an overstuffed email inbox. You know, the one with 8,942 unread messages. Those emails aren’t going to delete themselves. You’ve gotta go in, give each one some attention, and hit delete.

Emotions are the same way. Ignoring them doesn’t work (trust me, they’ll start CC’ing everyone). Instead, pause, feel what’s coming up, and let it go. As you release that tension, you create space for good vibes to slide right in. Suddenly, your problems look smaller, solutions appear out of nowhere, and you feel like a genius.

Stress: Resistance’s Partner-in-Crime

Stress and resistance are like that toxic couple you can’t stop watching on reality TV -they bring out the worst in each other. The more stressed you are, the more resistance digs in. And when resistance digs in, your stress hormones throw a party that makes it impossible to feel good.

But here’s the thing: letting go doesn’t mean waving a white flag or saying, “Whatever, universe, you win.” Letting go means freeing yourself from unnecessary struggle. It’s like dropping a giant suitcase full of bricks you didn’t need to pack in the first place. Life gets a lot lighter when you stop overpacking.

The Secret Sauce for Releasing Resistance

Here’s the real magic: when you release resistance, life feels lighter, funnier, and way more enjoyable. Suddenly, you notice the little things, like how good coffee smells or how sunsets look like free art. Life flows.

So, how do you make it happen? Try these vibe-boosting tools:

  • Energy Work: Think Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom Technique, Tai Chi, Qigong, Acupuncture, Acupressure, or any method that makes you feel like a human glow stick.

  • Chakra Clearing: Unblock your energy centres so your inner Zen doesn’t have to climb over obstacles. As an Eden Method Certified practitioner, I am trained on how to do this for you.

  • Sound Healing: Vibrations that dissolve stress? Yes, please. Plus, it’s like a concert for your soul.

These methods help you relax, release stuck energy, and rediscover the joy of simply being you.

Ready to Raise Your Vibe?

Releasing resistance is like hitting the refresh button on your life. You start to feel lighter, happier, and more open to life’s quirky little surprises (like finding money in your jeans or the perfect parking spot).

So, are you ready to ditch the static and let your energy flow? It’s time to clear the inbox, drop the baggage, and turn your life into the ultimate feel-good playlist. Be the Beyoncé of your own vibe. You’ve got this!

❤ Becca