Different Modes of Sensing - Part 6: Clairgustance
Before you learn all about Clairtangency, we wanted to let you know about our upcoming course,
Remote Viewing Level 1 - CRV, March 23-27, 2022.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Clairgustance or clear tasting, is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there. It means that you taste things energetically. The experience can come out of the blue and suddenly you will be tasting a substance, without having placed anything in your mouth. The effect is similar to our normal sense of taste, but the items you are tasting are not physically present.
People with this superpower might also have the gift of tasting things associated with a person, place, or time. Maybe you have a close friend or family member who loves a certain distinct brand of Scotch or is obsessed with eating strawberries and just before the phone rings, with them on the other line, you get a taste of it in your mouth. It’s a way to sense their distinct energy signature coming into your awareness before it happens. One could even experience oral sensations like suddenly having a dry mouth, or salivating, belching, hiccups and unexplained food cravings when experiencing this type of subtle energy sensing. I have recently begun noticing this with myself when working with clients who have digestive imbalances.
To go even farther, a highly sensitive clairgustant could perceive tastes and oral sensations from other dimensions. It’s not uncommon for a trained Medium to bring up a deceased relative by saying something like “I can taste cigarettes, did your mother smoke?” This type of verifiable proof that their deceased loved one is trying to communicate with them can be very uplifting and meaningful to someone who is grieving.
When taking one of David Morehouse’s Extended Remote Viewing classes back in 2003, our group was given the experience of trying to view 2 different people, doing 2 different things, in 2 different places in the world, at the same time. This is the topic of bilocating our consciousness. One person was riding on a motorcycle through an alpine forest in Oregon, Washington and the other person was visiting a naval submarine in a museum in San Diego. Remote Viewing is all about learning how to hyper focus on all of your own 5 physical senses. You will always be tasked with these types of journeys blind so you can be certain through your own unique experience that you have indeed had an extrasensory moment. I remember this particular target was strange because I kept flipping back and forth initially between smells. Not knowing we had been tasked 2 different people in 2 different places at the same time, I just noticed myself getting smells of the pine fresh air and then it would suddenly switch into getting this old dank musty smell.
Smells and tastes are so intricately linked but smells are in fact another type of sensing called Clairolfactance. Yet it is not unusual, for a highly sensitive person, to experience a certain smell or odour along with an accompanying taste. During this target, when I was smelling the pine fresh forest again, I suddenly got this very distinct taste in my mouth. It felt very real as if I’d been given a mouthful of gooey cinnamon sweet apple pie right there and then. It stood out as a noteworthy experience because it didn’t really connect to the outdoor forest smells I was sensing at the time. Later when the session was over, and it was revealed who and what we had been viewing we were informed that the one person, who had been traveling on the motorcycle through the Alpine forest, had indeed got hungry. He had decided to make a stop at a roadside diner and had ordered and eaten a piece of apple pie! This ability I had to taste the pie he was eating, that was not physically in my presence, across space and time, is having Clairgustance experience.
“This ability I had to taste the pie he was eating, that was not physically in my presence, across space and time, is having Clairgustance experience.”
What could the purpose of such an odd psychic sense possibly be? Well, believe it or not, it does come in handy! Sensitive people or Psychics who work in law-enforcement or forensics, for example, benefit greatly from their ability to become aware of the bitter taste of chemicals, poisons, drugs, or the iron-rich tang of blood. It often provides clues to how a victim may have been harmed/died or help solve a crime. It’s also very handy in situations where you can ‘taste’ something that might be harmful or dangerous to you, warning you to avoid physically being exposed to it.
Clairgustance can also be very helpful for a health professional who might get a taste in their mouth that can help them to diagnose and treat their client. Also getting a taste of certain medicinal substances could indicate a possible cause of illness, or what kind of treatment to seek. Some nutrition experts might get a taste of certain foods a person may need for their health, such as the taste of orange juice for someone who lacks Vitamin C. We can receive interesting and useful information about the foods we are eating and how they relate to and react with our bodies. Allowing your intuition to speak might give you your own insight on your own healing journey.
Becoming a certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinician practitioner required me to complete hundreds of sessions on clients to practice and hone the skills and methodology. By doing so I continue to develop all the Clair senses but the one that always surprises me is Clairgustance. When tuning into my client’s energy systems, I might suddenly get a metallic, salty, bitter or sweet taste in my mouth directing me to look at certain energy systems that might be out of balance. It has become very clear to me, now as a trained intuitive, that the language of Energy speaks to us through our senses.
David Morehouse likes to tell a funny story about when he was in training to be a Remote Viewer while he was in the military Stargate program in the United States. He knew this might appear strange too many, but he would go about and lick objects, places or structures such as the Eiffel tower. He did this because he wanted it in his rolodex of experience to know what that tasted like, just in case he was ever tasked with a target with the same elements .
David Morehouse…
“would go about and lick objects, places and structures such as the Eiffel tower.”
I’m not suggesting being so radical, but you could develop this sense by taking the time to savour the different flavours and tastes of each mouthful of food you are eating. Can you pick out different spices and seasoning in a particular dish or wine? Habits such as smoking or eating overly salty, sweet or spicy foods can become overpowering and dampen your tastebuds. Allow your tastebuds a break every once in a while, so you can experience a plethora of flavours. The more types of tastes you experience the more information you are putting into your databank, which gives the unified source field more to work with when sending you Clairgustant information. You are then developing a symbol dictionary, so when you receive psychic taste messages, you know what they mean. Also, mindful eating is full of wisdom and messages. Since all of us already know how to taste a substance, no training or experience is required. If it happens it happens – enjoy it!
If you want to learn more about Remote Viewing or the different modes of sensing check out our upcoming courses here!
Love, Becca