I had the joy and privilege of traveling with David Morehouse to Peru in May 2005 with a group of Remote Viewers that, along with David Morehouse and David Hughes, have now become some of my closest friends and colleagues. While doing a 65K trek into a remote non traveled area of the Andean mountains we shared an unbelievable experience together that changed my view of how I perceive the world we live in now.
Becca is sitting on the right side of David Morehouse, who is in the center, and David Hughes is in front of her.
Listen to this archived podcast to hear the full story of our trip.
NEWS FOR THE SOUL - NICOLE MARIE Interviews: Former CIA Remote Viewer David Morehouse & Nicole reveal UFO Alien encounters in PERU
It was truly an unbelievable moment we all shared at our campsite, in the night time, after spending the day at the 10,010 ft elevated main archeological ruins of Choquequirao. Similar to Machu Picchu this Incan site in southern Peru is covered with buildings and terraces that lay close beside a hilltop that had been anciently levelled and ringed with stones to create a 30 by 50-meter platform.
We all couldn’t help but wonder about these strange ancient ruins, where only 100+ people had ever been on record to have gone before us. There was something strange and “not of our world” about this place. What would Incans be using this strange platform shaved off the top of the steep hilltop for and why were the stairs we climbed, up to our chest in height?
Nancy Duggan with David Morehouse on the famous steps of Choquequirao, Peru
After a heroes journey back to our campsite, tired but enchanted, we were reminiscing about our day with each other, while sitting around the table having dinner in our food tent. We had been laughing about the rumours that Nicole Marie, producer of the “News for the Soul” radio show had earlier proclaimed, that she had witnessed strange lights in the sky with her tent partner the night before. The medical doctor on our trip, convinced Nicole Marie was telling the truth, spoke up suddenly and said “like those” as she pointed out the raised tent flap opening!
All 10 of us inside the tent turned around at the same time, to see strange hovering lights in the sky. I jumped to my feet and ran out the doorway and started to shout to everyone outside, “look”, as I pointed towards these unusual glowing objects in the sky! One person in our group was sitting at his tent and had his back to what was going on. He also had been one of those mocking Nicole over what he believed were her hallucinations. I called over to him saying, “the light sightings are real!” He started to laugh at me, but quickly stopped when David Morehouse and the rest of the group told him to get up and look!
We were within a group of doctors, psychologists, health professionals, high level corporate businesspersons, scientists, homemakers, a Navy Seal and a X CIA former Stargate Remote Viewer - David Morehouse and in front of us were lights doing impossible things. Zipping across the skyline in a blink of an eye, rising straight up in the air at the same warp speed. Suddenly there was more than one of these lights and they were hopping over one another and maneuvering around each other in a dance of communication that was impossible by the standards of aviation we all knew about. It went on all night, and I remember finding it very hard to sleep knowing these intelligent moving lights were out there. I kept having this incessant yearning for what and whoever they were to come and interact in some way. That night suddenly expanded my world view out into our solar system and universe and it made me incredibly excited to know that there might possibly be other intelligent beings out there.
I need to tell you more of my background in Remote Viewing to appreciate how this unbelievable moment came to happen for my husband and me. My husband surprised me with this gift of traveling to Peru after I had gone through 4 years of classes with David Morehouse. I was fortunate to be one of the many advanced viewers he had trained included on this special trip of his. Joining us on this trip was David Hughes, who has since become our main teacher for the “Morehouse” Coordinate Remote Viewing course we now teach at Core Potentials Academy. I had originally met him during my Master’s level training a few years prior, but not how you might expect. It wasn’t a physical meeting where we shook hands but an energetic meeting in the “Matrix” as Remote Viewers like to call it.
Masters Class at UBC in Vancouver - “Beacon Target” - 2004
“Now we throw out structure and fly” David Morehouse would say when we got to his Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) level class.
David Morehouse had got us to do what’s called a “Beacon Target.” This type of target is pre-planned between David Morehouse and one of his advanced students or trainers. David had arranged for Dave Hughes, to go walk through the UN building in New York. He then tasked us, his current students who were in Vancouver, BC at the same time, by only giving us 2 sets of 4 numbers, known as “coordinates,” to meditate on and then go look, feel, sense, and see what this person was doing at the same time. This type of target is profound in many ways. It makes you realize just how connected we are to one another. What happened for me is I got a snapshot picture in my mind’s eye of this Dave Hughes guy. I tried to draw him on my sheets of paper after my ERV session was over. The person felt masculine, they had a pointy chin, with dark short hair, and there was a certain tone to his voice that was memorable. During this target I began seeing what he was looking at. I first saw flag like structures, then I began describing paintings that were supposedly on the walls and I drew a horseshoe shape that I marked as a “table of council.” I sensed this place was a place of authority and security and I could also “feel” the essence of Dave Hughes, the man, who was the “beacon” we were assigned to view.
When I met David Hughes, physically, in person for the first time, several years later, we were gathering as a group to meet one another for the first time before our day’s excursions in a large room in Peru. He hadn’t said his name to me, or even knew he had been the Beacon Target, for my particular class and yet I was certain I had met him before. He was so familiar to me. I recognized his voice, and I was certain we must know each other. After questioning him, for several minutes, about this uncanny feeling of mine, David Morehouse realized how we might be connected and announced, “Dave you were the Beacon target for her group in Vancouver”. It surprised both of us how much of an energetic impression and connection I had made to him during that unique target tasking.
Being advanced viewers, both with a reserved a sense of skepticism and need for scientific proofs, we quickly became friends. We had been through many of David Morehouse’s advanced classes and had done interesting off planet location targets before. These locations had been charted on the Cartesian maps to be thousands of light years away and because many previous viewers had done these types of targets before us, including the participants of the secret spy military Stargate program running back in the early 1990’s, there was lots of feedback to compare our session notes to. These first military trained Remote Viewers had collected enough data over the years to convince the military that possibly there were over 190+ off planet civilizations that might exist across our charted universe.
Remote Viewing is not a stand-alone endeavour. You need a group of viewers with overlapping drawings, perceptions, and sensory data before you can begin to validate any part of an unknown target. It was only after repeatable corroborating evidence that statistics like these could even begin to be declared. What I had come to understand was if I could sense, see and feel a man walking through a UN building in New York, while I was in Vancouver, then traveling through space and time with our minds to an off-planet civilizations, light years away from us, that we couldn’t get to in 20 of our lifetimes, must be limitless and certainly plausible. Doing these well explored off planet targets were so incredibly fascinating for us students but as an open-minded skeptic and a secret doubter of my own abilities it wasn’t until I witnessed this unbelievable experience of unidentifiable lights in the mountaintops of Peru for it to really sink in that we might not be alone in our Universe. I think some of our ancient cultures might have known something we’ve lost our knowledge about.
This is just one of the many profound life changing experiences I’ve had where Remote Viewing changed my life. What we witnessed in Peru and have experienced together in groups in the classroom has had a powerful effect on my understandings of the world we live in. Learning this trainable tool of intuitive sensing has given me strong evidence to answer questions that scientist and theorists are still hypothesizing about. Honing my extraordinary different modes of sensing now guides me through my life and has helped me to become successful in what I do because I was taught how to connect to people in a much deeper and meaningful way.
We are way beyond the physical and we are capable of seeing, knowing, feeling, and sensing extraordinary things.
I highly recommend that you learn to Remote View and take yourself on a mind-expanding journey from what you think you might know to believing!
Love Becca