Different Modes of Sensing - Part 8: Clairtangency
Before you learn all about Clairtangency, we wanted to let you know about our upcoming course,
Remote Viewing Level 1 - CRV, March 23-27, 2022.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
As the world is experiencing a withdrawal from human touch, I thought you might be interested to learn there is a lot more to touch than you may realize. Clairtangency, also known as psychometry, is the ability to receive information by touch. People with this intuitive ability can get a sudden insight about the history of an object, person, animal or place when they physically touch it. A hug, a handshake, brushing up against someone, sitting in a chair used by someone else, holding someone else’s jewellery, or an article of their clothing, or a handwritten letter could all provoke a psychometric impression.
Using our sensory ability of Clairtangency, through the practise of psychometry, is a method used to be able to tap into that record.
All objects, even buildings and places, record the energy of the events and people around them. If an object is personal, it can carry the signature vibrations of the owner in the composition or material of the item. According to Michael Talbot, these vibrations have a scientific basis. In his book The Holographic Universe, Talbot says that psychometric abilities “suggest” that the past is not lost, but still exists in some form accessible to human perception.
Understanding that all matter on a subatomic level exists essentially as vibrations, he claims that consciousness and reality exist in a kind of hologram that contains a record of the past, present, and future. All events, Talbot emphasizes, instead of fading into oblivion, remain recorded in a cosmic hologram and can always be accessed once again. Using our sensory ability of Clairtangency, through the practise of psychometry, is a method used to be able to tap into that record.
Researchers have found that the personal information revealed from an object, person, place or thing is produced from our living bio-fields of energy, also known as our auras. This toroidal electromagnetic field generated by our minds and hearts radiates billions of bites of personal information that surround our entire body. This magnetic forcefield of ours can infuse everything that comes within its orbit. All objects, no matter how solid they appear, are sub atomically porous. There is nothing solid at this level. These microscopic holes in an object's surface will become imprinted with minute fragments of our aura. Like communicating through a fibre optic cable, there is an instant download of the person’s life history that is now available for other sensitive human beings to pick up on. The intuitive can then be thought of as a tape player, playing back the information stored on the object.
Energy information communicates to us differently than human language and instead informs us through our “clair'' sensory abilities. A person that is using the skill of Clairtangency might suddenly receive impressions from an object or place such as images (Clairvoyant), sounds (Clairaudient), feeling (Clairsentient, tastes (Clairgustance), smells (Clairolfactance), ) or even emotions (Clairempathy). They may suddenly just know something (Claircognizance) about the object, about the person who owned it, or about the experiences that person had while in the possession of it. They may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did, or even how they died if it was someone who has passed on. Perhaps most important, this type of sensitive person can sense how the person felt at a particular time. Emotions in particular, are most strongly "recorded" in the object.
As an Energy Medicine practitioner, I take the time to explain this science-based theory to my clients by getting them to take off their rings, bracelets, watches, and necklaces. In particular metal jewellery, underwire bras, and hair clips can attract energies because of their magnetic properties. I usually have them place their personal accessory items by one of my selenite stones during their appointment. Selenite stones carry a polarity charge to them that will neutralize and clear the irregularities of the emotional energies of anger, frustration, panic, fear, sadness and grief. All these types of emotions, if felt for long periods of time, can create congestion in a person's energy field that can lead to physiological and psychological ailments and ill health.
A good friend of ours can not sleep on anyone else’s beds or pillows because he feels like he’s dreaming other people’s thoughts and dreams and finds he can’t get a good night’s sleep.
Many people have Claintangent abilities and just don’t know it. A good friend of ours can not sleep on anyone else’s beds or pillows because he feels like he’s dreaming other people’s thoughts and dreams and finds he can’t get a good night’s sleep. When he “touches” the bed and drifts into a different brainwave state he suddenly gets clairvoyant images or claircognizant thoughts of the people that have slept in the bed previously and left their energy history.
Clairtangent people can be uncomfortable in cluttered spaces. Cluttered spaces often carry other people’s scattered energy, which can be overwhelming for people with this sensitivity. My children have always teased me about my neat freak issues but in reality their innocent scattered clutter can feel agitating to me. The ancient practise of Feng Shui is based on the principle of ensuring proper energy flow within a space to avoid this palpable congestion that some sensitive people can feel. You may feel the need to wash your hands after holding rocks or crystals because these types of objects can carry powerful energy that can have a strong impact on a Clairtangent person. Donna Eden, the great pioneer of Energy Medicine and creator of Eden Method, tells us how she has to change her clothes between clients because their energetic imprints become too intrusive and disruptive for her. Knowing sensitive people has taught me that just because you can’t sense something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Knowing how powerful subtle energies can be, I like to teach all my clients, but particularly those who are hands on practitioners, the importance of energy hygiene. There are quick easy exercises they can do to create an energetic boundary from themselves and their clients energies.
Many professional psychics will use Clairtangency as a starting place to tune into someone's energy for a reading. They usually can see or feel things when they hold an object in their hands. This will usually spur on one or several of the other “clair” sensory abilities. If an object has been passed down the family, it will contain information about its previous owner which is uplifting for people who are grieving their deceased loved ones and help them heal.
Gathering information about an object’s history can also be useful to antiques collectors, historians, geologists, and even police. Police like to retain this type of psychic when there is a lack of evidence in serious crime cases that have no more leads to follow. The hired psychic will purposely touch an object, or item in a place where a crime has been committed to encourage impressions to help find clues that will lead the police to the criminals or missing persons. A psychic may sense or feel the crime, or even see it or speak to deceased victims to gain information. The psychic can use psychic touch to gain information on the perpetrator, where they may live, and who they are. Even though this type of evidence is not admissible in court it may lead police in the right direction to find new proofs.
This particular “Clair” sensing technique is one of the first we teach in our Coordinate Remote Viewing course. To begin to Remote View you are given numbers that have been imprinted or infused with an energetic signature that represent a person, place or event. Once in a meditative state you begin to Remote View by writing these numbers on a blank piece of white paper. Using a black pen, you are then asked to draw a “Gestalt”, which is basically, in RV terms, a relaxed uncontrolled line. This line is drawn continuously, without breaking your hand from the page, continuing on from the bottom of the last number that was assigned to you. You then allow your hand to continuously free flow from the left to the right side of the page. This line now represents to you the whole target (object, person, place or thing) you’ve been tasked to go “see”. You then use your pen to probe your line. The touch of the pen to the ink on the page is using psychometry to invoke Clairtangency sensory data.
This is just the beginning of what you learn when it comes to all the “clair” senses so if you want to learn more make sure to sign up for our upcoming course.
For now though, if you are looking to enhance any of your “Clair” abilities trying psychometry is a great way to start.
Close your eyes and while monitoring your breath, get yourself into a meditative state by sitting in a comfortable relaxing position. Breathe in through the nose and exhale slowly out through the mouth, while systematically relaxing different parts of your body, starting from your toes, working your way up your body to the top of your head. Focusing on this will help you to block out distractions and slowly quiet your mind.
With your eyes remaining closed, ask a close friend or family member, that you want to practise doing this with, to place an unknown object in your hands without saying anything. I recommend using a metal object at first, because they have a better "memory" because of their magnetic qualities.
Be still... as images, sensory experiences and feelings come into your mind.
Don't judge your impressions.
While your eyes are closed just speak out loud anything that comes to mind. Think of your senses and ask - can I smell something, can I taste something, can I see something in my mind's eye, can I hear any sounds, etc. These impressions may be strange and meaningless to you, but they might be of significance to the owner of the object. Also, some impressions will be vague, and others might be quite detailed.
Don’t worry about whether you are right or wrong. Don’t judge or edit!
The more you try, the better you will become at it. It's also important not to try to assume likely histories of the object, and not to analyze and interpret your impressions so they make immediate sense. It's better to simply observe all the sensory impressions that come into your mind and describe them without clinging to them and without trying to control them. What tends to happen is the most unexpected images are likely to be most correct.
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Love Becca