Posts in Becca
Different Modes of Sensing - Part 5: Clair Empathy

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. The basic definition of Clair empathy means “clear emotional feeling.” It’s having a supernatural awareness of emotional energy. Clair empaths are extremely sensitive to the energetic vibrations of the emotions, attitudes, or physical ailments of people, places, animals, or objects. They can literally feel what others feel and experience the symptoms as if they were their own. It’s like a process of energy transfer between persons, places, or objects. It’s an extrasensory form of empathy.

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My Experience Doing the Medical Medium's Liver Cleanse: Days 7-9

We made it through the middle 3 days, which I feel were the toughest days of the cleanse.  Consuming no fat is hard as fat is what gives you that feeling of satiation.  I hate feeling hungry!  It makes me edgy and irritable.  Doing this as a family was a good lesson on honing our skills of emotional intelligence.  Days 7, 8, and 9, here’s what happened.

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My Experience Doing the Medical Mediums Liver Cleanse -Days 1-3

The holiday season is always lots of fun but after going to the all the parties, consuming lots of alcohol, eating lots of festive rich delicious oversized plates of food and devouring too many yummy desserts, chocolates and sweets, we decided as a family to nose-dive into 2020 with a health and fitness lifestyle reset. Day 1, 2, 3 are done and here’s what happened

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Water Rhythm: Energy Medicine - 5 Elements

Winter is a time when nature is in hibernation guiding us to slow down and tune into our bodies’ need for stillness and rest.  In Energy Medicine we can look to the Chinese Five Element model to understand that we are entering into the energy of the Water Rhythm.  The essence of this element holds features of the cold, dark, deep, and mysterious. It symbolizes the embryo of potential and the seed of a new plan. When we are immersed in these energies, we are called to retreat within ourselves to percolate and birth new ideas for the new year ahead of us.  For me it is a magical time with its invitation to be mindful about life, nature and balance. 

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 4: Clairsentience

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairsentience is “Clear feeling”. It’s the ability to perceive, sense or feel things via emotions, gut feelings and or physical sensations. Clairsentient people can be human emotion detectors! They can intuitively feel and sense through different kinds of physical or emotional stimuli from other people or from the environment around them.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 3: Clairaudience

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairaudience comes from the French words clair (clear), and audience (the action of hearing). Put them together and you’ve got clear hearing. Clear hearing can be the ability to receive intuitive impressions through audible sounds. You can hear your own voice internally in your head along with sounds, words, music and tones.

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Metal Time: Energy Medicine – 5 Elements

In Traditional Chinese medicine “Fall time” is where we move into one of the rhythms of the 5 elements called “Metal”.  It’s a time of year where the Earths energies change, and we go into a season where we begin to shut down and store the energies that we will use to rebirth ourselves in spring.  It’s a time where we need to rebuild and regenerate from our expansive summer energies.  Metal time holds the energy systems of the Lung & Large Intestine, which are all about breathing out stale energy to allow for fresh energy and inspiration and letting go of what no longer serves us.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 2: Clairvoyance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Part 2 - Clairvoyance: Clear seeing – comes from the French word “clair” meaning clear and “voyance” meaning vision. It’s the most well-known of the “sensing” abilities and it refers to the ability to gain visual telepathic information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known biological human senses.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 1: Claircognizance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Part 1: Claircognizance is a form of intuition that is recognized as getting a sudden hit of “clear knowing” or awareness about a person, place or thing that appears out of nowhere. Information just appears in their mind.

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How I Fell in Love with Remote Viewing

20 years ago, I began a journey of self-discovery.  I had many unexplained experiences that began as early as I can remember.  I was just 3 when I woke up to see an old man in my bedroom of my first home that had died in it prior to my parents buy it.

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We can show you something and you tell us after you’ve done it what you believe.

We all have experienced an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be amazingly correct and helpful. Getting trained to Remote view will give you a way to get these natural “hits” on demand with the objectivity of a scientist…

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What if You Could Attract Love?

“The Power of Intention – Where do you Choose to stand in Your Life? As the Observer – living an authentic life or as the Evaluator – Living an Inauthentic Life” – David Morehouse

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How Remote Viewing has changed our lives...

Hear from the community some of the amazing stories of how Remote Viewing has helped them understand and achieve so much more than they could have ever imagined.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 9: Remote Viewing

Are you tired of being told that your intuition is just a coincidence, that it’s not real, and that there is no scientific evidence to support your 6th sense?

What if I told you there was lots of scientific proof that extrasensory perception is real, and anyone can do it?

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Why We All Should Be Remote Viewing

It’s learning about letting go, not worrying about if you are right or wrong, being an observer rather than the inquirer.  The less you stress the more accurate you get.  For those “A” types or “People pleasers” this can be a challenge. 

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Trusting your gut

Part of becoming an intuitive person is becoming in-tune with and trusting your natural power center.  Have you ever felt that feeling in the center of your core, a pang when you may be doing the wrong thing, or an energetic zing when what you are doing just feels right?

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Why I Decided to Learn Remote Viewing

Some people ask me why I decided to learn Remote Viewing, and others ask how do I use Remote Viewing now that I have learned it? There are many reasons why I believe everyone would benefit from learning the art and science of Remote Viewing. In this blog I will tell you some of my reasons why.

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Meditation Changes Your Body

Tell us how you recover from your multi-tasking, techno invading, stormy brain making day.

I believe meditation changes our bodies. You don’t need endless time to find your centre.  A 5-minute routine in the morning gets the job done.  Anyone can do it and the more consistent you are the easier it will become.  It trains your mind to focus on the moment instead of worrying about what occurred in the past or what could happen in the future.  More and more of us are looking for peace in our crazy-busy days.  Meditation is about putting down your juggling balls for few moments and taking a mental pause.

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