How I Fell in Love with Remote Viewing
20 years ago, I began a journey of self-discovery. I had many unexplained experiences that began as early as I can remember. I was just 3 when I woke up to see an old man in my bedroom of my first home that had died in it prior to my parents buying it. Arriving at Dachau concentration camp as a tourist in my teens I immediately got a searing headache and stomach ache that got worse as I toured this traumatic place. It stayed with me for 48 hours before I could shake off the emotional energy that had pooled at this place. Seeing a mid-century nanny banging on a window (storm windows) in a castle in Scotland that just wasn’t there when I went to let her in the front door. I saw my deceased Grandfather stoking the fire at our family cabin, and I’ve always had promontory dreams of things happening days before they happened.
Why or how is such a thing possible?
Well the science behind the ability to Remote View has lots of answers to why these types of experiences might be possible that include quantum understandings and being part of a holographic field.
I discovered David Morehouse, PhD back in 2002. He came to Vancouver to speak at a huge “Ignite your Spirit” conference that was being held in one of our large conference centers downtown. Big speakers were there all weekend and there were over 2000 attendees from all walks of life in the audience.
I had been drawn to going to it because one of the speakers had written a book that had spoke about different places that hold energy vortexes of traumatic historical events that can be physically felt by people who are sensitive.
David Morehouse. Figure 4.7: Dirac’s Delta Function, “The Physics of the Metaphysics” in Remote Viewing: The Complete User Guide to Coordinate Remote Viewing. 2008. Pg. 69.
During this conference David came on stage and began to put up scientific diagrams that showed time trajectories, his Dirac equation, could explain seeing into the future and how the past was what directed this is some way. I was fascinated because he seemed to have scientific explanations for what my family had just said was my overactive imagination.
I got his book Psychic Warrior, that weaved a tale of him having a paranormal experience of seeing what he believed was an angel after being shot in the head during a Jordanian desert machine gun exercise that went wrong. He eventually told a superior who culled him into the CIA psychic spy Stargate program where he was taught how to Remote View for the US military. In his book he spoke of doing a Remote Viewing target that he later learned was Dachau Concentration camp and his tasking had led him to have a similar energetic sensory experience as I did when I arrived at this negatively saturated charged place. He wasn’t there on the site but had gone they’re via this method called Remote Viewing and he was describing it in the same way I had experienced it being there.
David Morehouse. Figure 8.1 Speed-of-Thought Triad, “The Journey Inward Continues: Coordinate Remote Viewing - Stage III” in Remote Viewing: The Complete User’s Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing. 2008. Pg. 178.
I knew I had to take his Remote Viewing CRV course to learn what he knew because the science he knew about was important to me. My critical thinking trained mind needed credible convincing and David was amazingly articulate at being able to convey a new way of understanding the world we live in. This way was empowering and put me back in the driver seat of my life.
I went on to do all the different levels of trainings and eventually travelled to Peru with David, my husband, and fellow advanced students, being led by an Andean mystic Jorge Delgado. This is where we all became dear friends after remote viewing the mysteries of all the ancient sites. It was evident that this had once been a very advanced civilization a long time ago.
After returning from Peru David taught his Remote Viewing courses for a few more years and then was called back to his military life and began teaching Technical Combat Casualty Care. He eventually came down with an autoimmune condition that he believes was caused by contracting something from the South American jungles during his Ranger days in the military. It has kept him out of commission for the last few years but he’s well again and now wants to get back to sharing his experiences with Remote Viewing and how it changed his life and the life of all his students.
Group of Remote Viewers travelling Peru together. David Morehouse and I are sitting next to each other in the second row (I am the one with the white hat). David Hughes is sitting in front of me, and my husband is in the front.
We were so excited to guest feature him for our first satellite program last spring being taught by one of his first students, a dear friend, who helped him write his Remote Viewing manual, David Hughes.
I met David Hughes in the “field” so to speak as he was one of my first beacon targets during my Remote Viewing ERV trainings. This is where we were tasked to view a person doing something in a different location. David consented to walk through the UN building in New York while our group of Vancouver viewers were tasked to see what he was looking at. I remember getting a snap shot image of him in my mind’s eye that I drew on my paper. It wasn’t until Peru, several years later, when I met him in the flesh, and I introduced myself saying I was certain we had met before because I recognized him. It was exciting to learn that he was the target for us several years prior and that I had accurately drawn and remembered him. It was just more evidential proof that we are capable of much more than we realize.
David Hughes and David Morehouse were a spectacular duo for our first Core Potentials academy class. David Hughes was able to navigate us through the technical teachings with humour and intelligence and David Morehouse was able to wow us via Zoom with his vast Remote Viewing knowledge and incredible history of his time in the US military Remote viewing unit. It was a huge hit and we were flooded with requests asking for when we were going to have another class.
We are incredibly excited to collaborate with David Hughes and David Morehouse again this fall, October 16th to 20th, 2019. Our Core Potentials Remote Viewing CRV course includes all 6 phases and is taught in 5 days with both David Hughes and David Morehouse in daily for question and answer time. We are also going to be part of several future collaborative classes coming to Vancouver in the future. To find out more and reserve your spot in the course, click here.
With Love,