Different Modes of Sensing - Part 3: Clairaudience

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Before you learn all about Clairaudience, we wanted to let you know about our upcoming course,
Remote Viewing Level 1- CRV, March 23-27, 2022


Clairaudience comes from the French words clair (clear), and audience (the action of hearing). Put them together and you’ve got clear hearing.

Clear hearing can be the ability to receive intuitive impressions through audible sounds.  You can hear your own voice internally in your head along with sounds, words, music and tones. These sounds can have literal or symbolic meaning.

Rarer but also possible is hearing externally yet there is no source for the sound. People using their Clairaudient sense may receive loud sudden warnings or guidance when their intuition needs to get their attention right away.  “Move” – to miss a falling tree, or “Stop” to avoid something unpleasant and unexpected. When young you might have had imaginary friends that you talked to or could communicate with your pets.  Unfortunately, this tends to fade if children are told repeatedly that this kind of experience is childish or even bad.  


In Energy Medicine it is determined that we all have a predominant sensory type and a person who is regarded to be more of a “Tonal” could more likely be able to get intuitive hits through hearing. How we as practitioners determine if someone is a tonal, besides kinesiology testing, would be how they describe their relationship to sound.  A loud party where there is too much noise might make them feel tired, irritable, ungrounded or even give them a headache. Loud sudden noises might make them jump out of their skin. 

In Energy Medicine Clairaudience is deemed to be ruled by the throat chakra, which is the chakra that controls communication.  When this chakra is balanced and open, it allows messages to be received. Exercises to open and strengthen this chakra will help with this intuitive ability.  Singing or humming different sounds at different pitches, called toning, is a great way to do both. You can use your hands to physically open up the throat area by stretching the neck, by pulling your throat area apart with the tips of your fingers in a vertical motion.  Using one hand to stretch upwards towards the chin and one hand to stretch in opposition going downwards towards the chest. You would continue this same motion moving slowly all around all the different sections of the neck on the throat area.


Being a master Remote Viewer, I have done many sessions where I have had several Clairaudient experiences.  It has happened when I have been tasked to view an event or a place either in the past or somewhere current around the world that had significant noises going on. I have heard foghorns, war type explosions, crying or wailing sounds and even nature sounds like birds squawking or ocean waves lapsing against the shore. 

David Morehouse, PhD developed an “Explorers” level for trained viewers who were capable of doing service, medical, science or business targets commissioned by persons, groups or organizations.  One science target I participated in was to explore Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)and to pursue whether it was real or not. During this particular session I did a hybrid version of Remote Viewing called Extended Remote Viewing where you lie down and go into a deep theta brain wave state.  In the middle of this session, myself and 8 other viewers all sat up at the same time after hearing a man’s voice yell out loudly in the middle of the room. It was startling and literally jolted me out of my relaxed session. I was so surprised that I lifted up my face mask only to discover several others similarly disconcerted sitting up looking around for where the noise had come from.  The room was a controlled setting where it was impossible for there to have been this type of noise interruption and yet there was a loud sound heard by ¼ of the group. This scientific experiment was deemed non-conclusive as the recorded tapes had not picked up the voice but for us who had heard the man’s yell, understood that the technology being used was obviously not capable of picking up the sound we all heard. Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the “normal” range.

Clairaudience is a gift, but it can be scary to hear a voice in the middle of the night, or when you’re alone somewhere, when you least expect it. People who are clairaudient sometimes believe they’re going off the deep end or having a psychotic episode. However, there is a huge difference between a psychotic episode and having a 6th sensory moment. Psychotic episodes involve leaving behind reality and moving into another level of awareness. Intuitive experiences enhance the existing reality, while still functioning in the normal reality. The 6th sensory experience is a focused event that occurs from time to time and positively guides you in a particular direction. If you hear voices that are critical, harmful, or violent, or if you have a constant ringing in your ears – be sure to speak to a health professional. Always use your common sense. 

I have had several occasions when just waking up from being asleep where I have heard the voice of different family members who had recently passed away.  They have always had some profound message to give me that has helped settle something I’d been deliberating about and given me a peace of mind about their passing.  I once stayed at a friend’s place that had once been a hospice in the past and I had struggled sleeping during the night because it sounded like there were people socializing downstairs.  When I spoke to my friends in the morning, they had said they had gone to bed at the same time I had. It became apparent that I had picked up on the sounds that had once been common in the house from its past that had been energetically imprinted into the space.  


When I think of one of my dear friends who passed away from cancer a few years ago, I will hear her voice laughing loudly in my head. We had many discussions over the years about death and the afterlife and her laughter has been very reassuring and comforting.    

Other signs of being Clairaudient is talking to yourself when no one else is around.  Possibly while doing chores, or when you need to be calmed down or just chatting to yourself about your own life.  Hearing high-pitched tones when you’re about to go to sleep, hearing people whispering at a distance or being sensitive to sounds that others don’t hear. 

I have always been teased for having an adverse reaction to hearing someone chew their food. You might be able to hear the hum from a building, or a buzz from a tree.  All these sounds will make you turn your ears towards it rather than looking for where it is coming from. Everything that exists has a vibration. Colours, water, rocks, humans, animals, emotions, and some people can hear these vibrations.  

People who are Clairaudients need quiet time.  Head canceling earphones and meditation practice are great tools for these types of people.  Music connects them to their soul, relieves stress and uplifts their mood. They may be musically inclined and be inspired by lyrics that tune into their emotions and feelings.

If you want to heighten your Clairaudient senses, try focusing on the sounds you hear in a quiet space. Sit comfortably in a quiet room and use your imagination.  Try imagining sounds, such as hearing an instrument playing, or imagine a favourite song, or the voice of a loved one.  Practice this for a few minutes each day until it’s easy for you to imagine the sounds in your mind. It will expand your range of hearing and brings a new depth from the act of listening.

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Are you ready to move from believing to knowing? The Universe is always speaking to you, it never stops.

March 23th to 27th, 2022

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