Water Rhythm: Energy Medicine - 5 Elements


A Time to Rest and Renew 

Winter is a time when nature is in hibernation guiding us to slow down and tune into our bodies’ need for stillness and rest.  In Energy Medicine we can look to the Chinese Five Element model to understand that we are entering into the energy of the Water Rhythm.  The essence of this element holds features of the cold, dark, deep, and mysterious. It symbolizes the embryo of potential and the seed of a new plan. When we are immersed in these energies, we are called to retreat within ourselves to percolate and birth new ideas for the new year ahead of us.  For me it is a magical time with its invitation to be mindful about life, nature and balance. 

Wintertime changes how we feel.  We eat different foods, we stay inside more, and our sleep patterns change.  Our productivity slows down and fatigue from day to day living sets in. With less energy and stamina being tired becomes the norm.  Shorter days with reduced natural light, cold temperatures and less of nature’s cheerful colours affect us all.  The dormancy of the season drives us to protect our reserves. It restores our life batteries by compelling us to slow down.  It summons us to reflect on what our bodies need and to re-connect to the deeper essence of ourselves and what can restore our vitality. 


At Core Potentials we just celebrated our 3rd annual Hygge Party (pronounced hew-guh). We chose this theme because our family’s Danish heritage has taught us traditions of mindfully & purposely fostering soothing peaceful and relaxing ways to find comfort and coziness during the dark cold winter days.  Hygge is all about feeling completely relaxed and centred and letting go of the hectic world around us. When our ancestors lived close to the land, they would observe this call, by slowing down, sleeping more, and spending time indoors with family and friends. 

These days, however, we continue through the winter with busy schedules, pushing ourselves to keep moving. Electricity and technology allow us to stay up late so we can get more done, even though our bodies are craving for more time out.  Going against the natural energy of the Winter season and our body’s deep desire for rest and renewal is a potent recipe for stress. Current health research shows that stress is the number one cause of illness and disease.

As we find ourselves caught up in frenzy of the holiday season, it’s more important than ever to find ways to balance the energies of the Winter and our Water Rhythm in our lives.  If you start to notice aches and pains at the end of the day your body might be telling you it’s time to go home.  If your energy feels drained it might be your bodies way of saying it needs a break. We must put the demands of other people and the never ending to do lists aside and listen to what our bodies need.  

When our Water Rhythm becomes out of balance, we can become negative, fearful and can feel ‘stuck’ or ‘frozen’ unable to move forward. Like floods and drought, it can create havoc physically and spiritually. Psychologically we start to lack trust in life and in other people.  Physical symptoms may include fatigue and exhaustion, urinary tract issues, infertility, endocrine disorders and hypertension. It can cause us to become very out of tune with ourselves.

Thinking of ways to keep your Water Element in balance can help you shift from any fears you may feel, to a place of courage in facing the amazing possibilities before you as you start a New Year. 

Here are some ideas to help you balance your Water Rhythm and make it through the Winter


The Kidney meridian is part of the Water Element.  Stretch and massage the bottoms of your feet paying close attention to the Kidney 1 acupressure point below the pad under your 2nd toe every day. You can also massage the bottom of your feet with a stainless-steel spoon allowing the ferromagnetic properties of a stainless-steel spoon bring the earth’s negatively charged electrons up your body. This helps to pacify the mind and heart by grounding and balancing your bodies energies.

Tap the Kidney 27 points that lie 1” down and 1” out from the neck notch bones on the upper chest while taking several deep breaths.  This helps to boost and restore energy and strengthens the immune system.

Get a nice back rub from a partner or a friend.  The Bladder meridian is also part of the Water element, which runs down our backs.  This meridian governs our nervous system. Have them finish using flat palms to slowly draw sweeping figure 8’s helping to soothe and calm the worries of the day away.   

When you find yourself becoming overtaxed by your day try holding one hand over your forehead, and the other on the back of your head directly behind your eyes. Take several deep, long slow breaths imagining your energies sinking down your body and discharging into the ground.

Choose more warming foods to balance the coolness of winter by eating warm soups, cooked greens, root vegetables, whole grains, winter squashes, beans, savoury herbs and roasted nuts.  Sprinkle sea salt on your food or add a small pinch to your water for added minerals.  Connect with others by sitting around the fire with a mug of hot cocoa.


Allow yourself to sleep longer, read more, eat less, write down your thoughts and watch movies!  

Do activities like yoga, qigong, and moving meditation. You can avoid stagnation of your energies by stretching your body any possible way. Move slowly, gradually and deeply. Be more inwardly creative and become an artist of self-discovery. Enjoy listening to meditative calming music in solitude. It helps to tune your frequency and brings you to a place of peace and calm.    

Invest your energy smartly. Use the winter energy to restore your spirit so you emerge with restored energy, clear vision and a sense of purpose for the year ahead


Love Becca