What is Energy Medicine?
Everything starts as energy. It’s part of all that is within the known universe. e=mc2. Every bit of matter - human, plant, animal, structure; every bit of non-matter - consciousness, thought, feeling and emotion is energy. All energy is held into form by electromagnetic fields that are made up of etheric energy.
We are energetic beings living on an energetic planet. We are part of one huge energy field biome that acts like a holograph, and we are designed to be able to tap into every aspect of it. Our brain acts as the interface with our body. It’s the transducer of information bundles that are channeled through us. Our human brain and heart also generate significant electromagnetic energy fields. The field of energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the body is termed by science as the biofield and in some older Eastern cultures they call it the Aura. The movement of energy is an integral part of all matter, and it naturally flows through the neural pathways of our bodies. Every cell in your body can be traced back to one cell. That first small cell knew how to replicate, specialize, and turn into all the parts of your body. This is possible because the cell also holds a quantum aspect that contains the field of energy that is consciousness inside our DNA.(3) This quantum field is what gives the instructions. This same field is also where we can access our spiritual divinity.
An Energy Medicine practitioner understands how these subtle energies move, get blocked and disorganized, and gets them moving again. The people I help are searching to understand these concepts and want to know what energy imbalances they have that are involved in their ailments. Your physical and psychological symptoms are pointers to underlying energetic disturbances. As a practitioner of the Eden Method, I’ve been taught how to track, balance, and harmonize the energy flows in and around the body thereby removing the cause of many symptoms and sparking a person’s self-healing abilities.(1)
We are all channels for something far greater. Our physical body is only 10% of who we are and we need to get to know the other 90%. What really pushed me to become an Energy Medicine practitioner was when I truly understood that our “thoughts are things.” The energy of our emotions, feelings, and thoughts is one of the driving forces behind the biochemical reactions within our bodies.
“Let us explain gratitude to you. It is the remedy to loneliness, the antidote to imbalance. Why? When you bring to mind that for which you are grateful, no matter what it is, the body secretes chemicals that cause you to feel a certain way that you know as pleasurable. You recognize this pleasurable state instantly for it is one of the innate aspects of the soul. Your true nature—the essential part of you that you carry with you whether you are in a body or not—knows this feeling. You label it “gratefulness.” We know it as a vibration of the highest order. Seek gratefulness when you are out of
balance, and you will instantly transport yourself to your home state. “
~ Sanaya –channeled by Suzanne Geisemann ~
Our original blueprint is a state of purity and innocence of being before it becomes programmed with layers of beliefs and conditionings. We all carry many unexpressed layers of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and conditionings repressed in our bodies at their cellular memory. These memories run invisible programs blocking the free flow of energy through our bodies causing pain and disease. Defeating self-sabotaging lower vibrational thoughts can cause chemical reactions that make us contract, shrink, tighten, and block the flow of our neural communications. Eventually, we create dysregulated energy patterns within our bodies. As practitioners, we teach you antidotes to these imbalances. The vibration of energies in your body reflects your health and well-being. By raising your vibrations to a more optimal level you begin to feel good, become happier and treat others with more kindness.
Combining Energy Medicine with my Holistic Nutrition background I provide a complete system of healing and self-care that has been shown to be an excellent complement to a person's conventional medical treatments. Here are some of the chronic conditions that my clients have explored while working with me to help support their energetic physical and emotional balances.
Chronic illnesses and diseases, such as cancer
Post-chemotherapy and radiation sessions to reduce discomfort for better recovery
Chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, and healing from long periods of stress and exhaustion
Chronic pain and discomforts such as frozen shoulders, hips, and knee issues, migraines that persist even after medical attention and treatment
Chronic injuries (i.e. constant ankle sprains)
Heart conditions
Neurological issues such as strokes, neuropathy, dementia
Digestive issues and disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s Disease
Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and phobias
Hormones – PMS, Painful Cramping, Bloating, Mood, Pregnancy (Pre & Post), etc.
Insomnia and sleep problems
Victims or survivors of accidents, shock, abuse, and addiction
Pre- and post-surgery healing and recovery
Healing old and recent emotional wounds, releasing emotional blockages, and exploring past life regression
When they first come to see me, many of my clients ask me if Eden Method is the same as Reiki. I explain how they both fall under the umbrella of Energy Medicine, which involve unique techniques and protocols. Even though both modalities provide relaxation and healing, Eden Method techniques are quite different.
With Reiki, the practitioner acts as a conduit between the client and the “Universal Life Force Energy” and channels this into the client. The client rests quietly and receives Reiki. With Eden Method, the practitioner is trained to work with nine different energy systems that are multifaceted and entangled within and around you. We believe that the body’s natural inborn innate wisdom can become disorderly and needs a retraining hands-on approach. We want our clients to play an active role both in their sessions, while their energies are being evaluated and balanced, and at home by doing some of our recommended techniques and exercises so as to further maintain and enhance balance in themselves. Our goal is to educate a person to become more in tune with their body and its subtle energy rhythms by teaching them solutions to their imbalances.
Reiki is a more passive technique that allows the practitioner to channel healing determined by divine forces. While this is part of the scope of the Eden Method practice, we also teach you empowering self-care techniques so you can continue to help yourself through your own personal healing journey. These new daily energy routine habits help you gain better health, happiness, and wellness longevity.
Energy medicine is not a quick-fix solution. Clients need to learn and understand the principles involved and rigorously apply them each day, for notable effects. We believe that flow and harmony can be restored and maintained within an energy system by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies.(2) Not everyone inclines toward this type of therapeutic self-care method, so at Core Potentials, we work as an Integrative Wellness Clinic with other practitioners for this very reason. We support each other hoping to be able to offer you different approaches to your main health concerns.
It’s time we all take an investigative look at the value of energy medicine.(4) When you become more in tune with the language of your own energies you learn to listen first to your body before you listen to your conditioned mind. When you learn to support your body’s natural healing abilities you bring about the happiness that results when your life is in harmony with your deepest nature.
I love working with people who are game for a new way of looking after themselves. Just book a one-on-one with me here.
If you are ready for a deep dive, I am teaching Eden Method Level 1: Fundamentals at Core Potentials Academy starting May 2025. This program gives you your first year for becoming a practitioner in the Eden Method certification program. Whether or not becoming a practitioner is your goal, this first year gives you a comprehensive grasp of the foundations so you can get into better alignment with your true self.
Love Becca