Embracing Change, Love, and Higher Vibrations in 2024

“Perhaps everything we believe is false.”

~ Descartes

Life is an ever-changing journey. It's a lesson that has been woven into the fabric of our existence, a tapestry of experiences that has shaped us into the people we are today. One of the fundamental truths we’ve come to appreciate at Core Potentials is a Tribe must always have each other's backs. In our imperfections and quirks, we find our shared humanity, and it is through love, understanding, compassion, and connection we thrive. We are always here to help you with your physical, personal, and emotional growth. We feel truly blessed to have every one of you as part of our community. 

As we step into 2024, I wanted to share some powerful realizations about the influence we possess within ourselves. Mahatma Gandhi spoke of Truth force, Love force, and Soul force, emphasizing the power to change hearts and minds by altering our perspectives. By adhering to truth, we can tap into a powerful force that can challenge oppressive systems and bring about positive change.  Love force seeks to establish relationships based on compassion; fostering a sense of shared humanity.  Soul force recognizes that true change begins with inner transformation. By cultivating virtues such as self-discipline, self-control, and wholesomeness, we can contribute to the larger goal of uplifting society. When we harness this type of inner strength it radiates outward and can influence others by encouraging a more collective commitment to positive change. By adhering to principles of truth, love, and our spiritual connection, we can inspire others to reconsider their perspectives and embrace a more compassionate and just way of life.

Most of our perspectives get filtered through our personal biases that were formed as children.  Our reticular activating system (RAS) in the back of our brain has been hardwired from our caveman days!  Recognizing that these might be faulty is the first step to changing your reality.  Nobel Physicist Max Planck echoed Gandhi’s sentiment, stating, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. His words underscore the transformative potential inherent in the way we perceive the world. By recognizing the influence of our perspectives, we gain the ability to shape our reality, nurture personal growth, and contribute to positive change in various aspects of our lives.  

Strong emotions are like portals, that open up realms of possibilities. Negative emotions can lead to negative outcomes, while positive emotions can usher in positive possibilities. Emotions, directed by your thoughts, can be navigated, and harnessed by developing your higher intelligence. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing, understanding, and managing your emotions and thereby influencing those of others. By enhancing the development of your frontal cortex, you can improve your emotional intelligence, making it easier to navigate complex emotional landscapes and respond to situations in a balanced and thoughtful manner.

Energy Medicine can help you to upgrade your nervous systems, creating an operating system that moves you away from the survival-focused reptilian brain.  Studies on the mind-body connection suggest that our thoughts and emotions are not isolated from our physical bodies. Positive beliefs and emotions are associated with better health outcomes, while negative beliefs and stress can have detrimental effects.

One of the ways we can survive the tumultuous emotional soup we are all in is by adopting a more collaborative species mentality. The Mandela Effect teaches us the impact of collective consciousness on our reality. It raises questions about the nature of reality, perception, and the malleability of communal consciousness.  It underscores the idea that perception is subjective and that collective consciousness can be influenced by factors beyond objective reality. It serves as a reminder that the narratives we collectively construct can influence our perceptions and interpretations of the shared reality we inhabit.

What if we all decided to stop seeing the world as broken and started believing in a place of love and peace?

Self-love is the key to overcoming the beliefs passed down through generations. It empowers individuals to make choices that align with their authentic selves rather than conforming to familial or societal expectations.  Having faith in yourself you begin to develop the resilience and self-awareness needed to question and challenge inherited beliefs and behaviours passed down. This sense of autonomy is crucial in breaking free from generational patterns that may not serve one's well-being.

Developing your frontal cortex to navigate and learn more about your emotions will help you avoid feeding the primitive reptilian part of your brain. Particularly the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in executive functions such as decision-making, problem-solving, and emotional regulation. Developing this part of the brain enables you to approach situations with clarity, reason, and strategic thinking. Practices like mindfulness meditation and Energy Medicine self-regulation techniques contribute to managing the influence of the reptilian brain. These practices promote awareness of thoughts and emotions, allowing individuals to respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively to stressors.

Holistic well-being involves recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental health. Practices that promote self-love, frontal cortex development, and emotional intelligence contribute to a holistic approach to well-being, addressing both the physiological and psychological aspects of our humanness and personal growth.

To bring about your connection to higher vibrations and realms, become aware of the subtle layers of energy within and all around you. The energy flowing through you follows predictable patterns, creating our wiring and tendencies. The yin and yang principles, in their dance of balance, create energy (qi) and form the foundation for understanding and organizing reality. Raising our vibration requires openness to higher “Source” energy. Victim mentality is an extension of human ego and lack of self-respect.  Remaining open to Source and recharged is our responsibility. The quantum field, pulling everything into one timeline, guides us toward unity as our hearts awaken to higher energy.

Expecting the best from people brings out the best in them. Your consciousness holds the extraordinary ability to summon the very best in everyone you encounter. By seeing and standing for the light in others, you can call forth their inherent goodness. Whether they are friends, family, colleagues, or even political figures, you have the power to change their hearts and minds by first changing your own.  The most potent form of peace-making lies in strengthening your ability to see the goodness in others.

Source, guiding consciousness, will transform us all with the higher energy of love. In 2024, let us embrace change, act out of love, and raise our vibrations, contributing to the collective evolution toward a world of unity and love.

Cheers to the transformative power within each of us!

💙 Becca