Kindling the Gut: Exploring the Power of Digestive Fire


“People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within”

~ Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Our Jewel Chakra is called Manipura, which means “lustrous gem” in Sanskrit.  Manipura is the ignition switch to propel us on our path forward, help us shine bright, and make our dreams a reality.  Located between the navel and your solar plexus is the 3rd chakra, it is associated with the element of fire.  It is the “fire in your belly” that motivates you and propels you forward.  Like the sun it is associated with the brilliant colour of yellow and it is our source of personal power.  It represents action, will, and vitality as well as inner joy and laughter.

In Five Element Theory, Fire nurtures the Earth energy.  In nature, as fire burns, ash forms to enrich the soil.  The same idea holds true in the body’s energetic system as Fire is also needed for our own internal Earth energy to be strong. In the realm of holistic health and energy systems, the solar plexus chakra stands out as a crucial center of vitality, willpower, and digestive fire

Metaphorical Fire

In Energy Medicine and spiritual practices, fire symbolizes transformation, energy, and action.  Fire is radiant, and our 3rd chakra transmutes matter to energy in the form of heat and light.  Fire pushes heat upward.  Our natural state of being, when met with the fiery energy of the 3rd chakra becomes will: the conscious direction of our life energy towards a goal.


“I stoke the fire inside of me with each breath, burning away impurities that are obstructing my growth, and igniting my life force energy and inner joy.”


Physical Correlation

Physiologically, the solar plexus region corresponds to important digestive organs such as the stomach, pancreas, and liver. These organs play key roles in the breakdown of food, secretion of digestive enzymes, and regulation of metabolic processes—all essential components of our digestive fire. Fire supporting the Earth within the body can be explained by stomach acid (hydrochloric acid).  If the Fire within the stomach is strong, digestion will be healthy.  If it’s weak, digestive power will also be weak. Imbalances in this chakra can manifest as diabetes, hypoglycemia, or stomach ulcers.  Tight, hard stomachs, pot bellies, or sunken diaphragms are indications of Manipura excess or deficiency.

Emotional Digestion

Beyond physical digestion, the solar plexus chakra is intimately connected to emotional digestion. It governs our ability to process and assimilate emotions, maintaining a balance between sensitivity and resilience. When this chakra is imbalanced, digestive issues, such as indigestion or stomach discomfort, may manifest alongside emotional challenges like low self-esteem or difficulty asserting oneself.  When we don’t feel safe enough to act in accordance with our integrity, lose our freedom of being, or feel unsafe to be ourselves the Solar Plexus Chakra suffers.  We can no longer push ourselves forward and life becomes uninspired.  When overactive, we can become aggressive, controlling, power-hungry, arrogant, excessively competitive, or ambitious and have an overwhelming need to be right. This chakra governs our right to act and the right to be free. It is damaged by shame. This centre can also become damaged by growing up in an overly controlling household where there was a constant fear of punishment. When our right to act is restricted, will and spontaneity go with it and our vitality decreases. Just as our digestive system converts food into energy – taking what it needs as fuel and eliminating the rest, the 3rd chakra, eats up all the emotions of the ego.  It takes anger, rage, fear, and jealousy, and incinerates them to ashes to become reabsorbed by the earth.

Some other key symptoms of imbalance include…

Procrastination, sense of overwhelm, digestive disorders, fatigue, jealousy, low self-esteem, inauthenticity, apathy, victim mentality, and excessive worry.


When in balance, we experience feelings of

Inner harmony, playfulness, confidence, spontaneity, self-acceptance, and respect. We are responsible, reliable, confident, and able to meet challenges.



Practices to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra and Our Digestive Fire

Mindful Eating

Pay attention to your eating habits by consuming nutritious, whole foods and eating in a calm, relaxed environment. Chew your food thoroughly to support digestive efficiency.

Core-Strengthening Exercises

Engage in activities that strengthen the core muscles, such as yoga, pilates, or martial arts, to support the solar plexus area and enhance digestive function.

Energy Healing

Explore practices like the Eden Method or Qigong to balance the solar plexus chakra and clear any blockages in the energy flow.

Meditation and Visualization

Practice meditation techniques that focus on the solar plexus area, visualizing a vibrant yellow light radiating from this center to foster confidence and clarity.

Herbal Support

Incorporate digestive-supporting herbs like ginger, turmeric, and peppermint into your diet to enhance digestive fire and soothe the digestive system.

Getting healthy amounts of sunshine, vigorous exercise, goal-setting, martial arts, keeping cheerful, yellow flowers such as honeysuckle and sunflowers in your space, wearing yellow, and eating yellow foods can help heal this chakra.

By honouring the solar plexus chakra as the seat of both our personal power and digestive fire, we tap into a profound source of vitality and resilience. This energetic centre invites us to cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—and empowers us to nourish our bodies and spirits with intention and awareness. As we align the fire element within the solar plexus chakra, we ignite both our digestive fire and our inner strength and capacity to thrive in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

Love Becca