Strengthen your Clair Senses, A How To Guide

By Becca Nielsen

Did you know that you have the ability to go deep within your own mind, beyond all five "normal" senses, to do extraordinary things you never thought possible? 

When you accept that extrasensory abilities are innate to all human beings you begin to understand that their purpose, just like our physical senses, is to help you better navigate the world you live in.

The number 1 step to strengthening your extrasensory abilities is to simply be willing and open.

The second step is to practice developing these types of intuitive gifts. Practice presence; being aware in the present moment, and tuning out all thoughts, other than the realization of how things look, sound, smell, and feel around you.

This 30-page, information-packed eBook explains each Clair Sense, and then gives you invaluable exercises to help you develop your intuitive gifts.

Becca was born with a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and has spent a lifetime exploring how these innate energies affect our daily lives. She has extensive training in Healing Touch, Reconnective Healing, Remote Viewing, Holistic Nutrition, and Donna Eden’s work, the Eden Method. As an Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and an Eden Method authorized teacher, she incorporates her extensive years of energy knowledge into her client practice, ongoing classes, and the Eden Method Level 1: Fundamentals program.